
时间:2024-09-20 17:56:41 阅读:52 评论:0

Title: Enhancing Comprehensive English Ability for Postgraduate Entrance Examinations through Reading English Originals


The postgraduate entrance examination is a significant step in the academic career of many students. As English is a vital language in the global context, it is crucial for candidates to have a strong command of the language. Reading English originals is an effective way to enhance comprehensive English ability. This article aims to discuss the importance of reading English originals and provide practical suggestions on how to utilize them to improve one's English skills for the postgraduate entrance examination.

I. The Importance of Reading English Originals

1、Improving vocabulary

Reading English originals exposes candidates to a wide range of vocabulary, including colloquial expressions, idioms, and technical terms. This exposure helps candidates expand their vocabulary and enhance their language proficiency.

2 、Enhancing reading comprehension

Reading English originals can improve candidates' reading comprehension skills. By encountering diverse writing styles and structures, candidates can learn to analyze and interpret the content effectively.

3、Improving writing skills

Reading English originals provides candidates with examples of good writing. They can learn from the structure, style, and vocabulary used by the authors, which will help them improve their own writing skills.

4、Expanding cultural knowledge

English originals often reflect the cultural context in which they are written. By reading these texts, candidates can gain insight into different cultures and societies, which is beneficial for their overall development.

II. Utilizing English Originals for Postgraduate Entrance Examination Preparation

1 、Choose appropriate materials

Select English originals that are relevant to the postgraduate entrance examination. For example, if you are applying for a program in finance, you may want to read financial newspapers, magazines, or books.

2 、Set realistic goals

Set achievable goals for your reading practice. For instance, you can aim to read a certain number of pages or articles daily, or complete a specific number of reading assignments weekly.

3、Take notes and summarize

As you read, take notes of new vocabulary, phrases, and ideas. Summarize the main points of the text in your own words. This will help you remember the content and reinforce your understanding.

4、Engage in active reading

Active reading involves not only reading the text but also thinking critically about it. Ask questions, analyze the author's arguments, and evaluate the evidence provided. This will enhance your comprehension and critical thinking skills.

5 、Practice writing

After reading an English original, try to write a summary or an essay on the topic. This will help you apply what you have learned and improve your writing skills.

6、Join a study group

Participating in a study group can provide you with opportunities to discuss and share your understanding of the texts. This will not only enhance your knowledge but also help you develop your communication skills.


Reading English originals is an effective way to enhance comprehensive English ability for the postgraduate entrance examination. By incorporating these materials into your study routine and applying practical strategies, you can improve your vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing skills, and cultural knowledge. Remember to set realistic goals, engage in active reading, and practice writing regularly. With dedication and persistence, you will be well-prepared for the challenges of the postgraduate entrance examination.